
Q/ An employee has requested copies of their payslips. How far back in time can an employee request an employer to provide copies?

A/ An employer is required to keep payroll records for seven years, so it would not be “unreasonable” for an employee too request copies going back that far. However if an employer has kept records for a longer period we always recommend they provide the documentation to the employee when requested.

If you don’t have actual copies of the payslips but have the records you can use to provide all the same information in a different form (e.g. letter), this should be acceptable.

Q/ We have electronic payslips but terminated employees no longer have access to the system. Do we have to give them paper copies?

A/ Employees have the right to request copies of payslips and other employment records.  If they no longer have access to the system then the employer will have to send them paper versions.

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